Sunday 1 April 2012

Evaluation, question 1

Evaluation, question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media productions?

My media product/ film can be both conventional and non- conventional with regards to real media products in different stylised ways, when we look at a British horror what conventions comes to mind when we approach the cinematography is very fast paced hand-held shots, this is one of the main cinematography (the hand held camerawork is typical of lower budget British films) conventions we see in many British films, such as Dead Man’s Shoes by Shane Meadows in 2004 contains a lot of hand-held shots it’s what defines them as being British films, however my production did not contain these characteristics of a British, the motion of the film was all stylised as a Hollywood production through the cinematography which shows my media product did not have aspects of being a British film through the cinematography which is a main convention. Even though it is set out very smoothly inside the house and for most of the production, when we are outside and at the beginning of the production (as we see the car come down the street) of the establishing shot, it is very well hand-held which can be seen as having a convention of British media products.

However even though my media product was structured different to a British film, it still was a British film. This was done with mainly the mise en scene of the production, all the conventions of a typical north England house was captured with the setting of my own home, this does show that my film is constructed through mise en scene as a British film, not only by setting it in England but how the British film have a very low budget and use real places to set their films unlike Hollywood main stream films that have huge budgets and huge sets for their big films. This is a point in my favour, because this is what I set out for my film/ product to have mostly British conventions of real British products not Hollywood.

When we look at the mise en scene in more detail, at the characters we see them in to different conventional ways, they both have aspects of being very stereotypical characters which would be the conventional side of one of the big six media company’s and can also be seen as not stereotypical at all, as in characters that the big six would not be familiar with because British films such as Dead Man’s Shoes tends to deal with characters that are more down to earth and that audiences cannot relate to. 

To conclude the biggest way my media product is non-conventional, is the way the character of my killer acts; in this day and age we believe that there are easier ways to kill a person and reasons why (motive) for example in the British production film of ‘dead man’s shoes’ this film contained weapons of guns and the character who was a killer had a motive in the narrative. This production was made in 2004, and even though my production was made almost 8 years after Dead Man’s Shoes, the killer choses a much more painful and older way of killing another. Even though I know this is not conventional, I see it as being unique, a unique characteristic of the killer and is explored with my audience. This gives the character his place in the media’s fame.    

Thursday 22 March 2012

Evaluation, question 3

Evaluation, question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Even though my film is low budget and has all contributing factors and conventions of British Horror, I feel as if my media product could go international and work over in the US, the reason being for this is the fact of its narrative and story line, this issue can work/ happen in any body’s life this is the reason I believe it could be represented by a Hollywood film company. Reasons for this is that it is very similar issues that happen in the US there for making them familiar with the topic/rules of this conventional horror/thriller.

Even though the issue, narrative and plot could work over in other countries like the US, there is still the work of the cinematography that is a disadvantage, the typical Hollywood film is shot very stylised and kept clean, there are some conventions; like inside the house where my film is shot clean. However there are moments, like when outside of the house the cinematography is seen as being lower budget British stylised. We can tell this not only by the hand held shots but how the film is also shot on location and not in high budget American sets. This is one of the main reason media audiences might not get as far as being international, they simply will not like the look of it to the American audience, it simply is not attractive to them.

When I look at my media product as much more than a film it has potential to leap over into the hands of one of the big six companies like Universal, it has that sense of being  much more than just one media product and becoming a global interaction than anything else. However the question does ask about my media product; and looking at it as just a product I can only see it as getting as far as one of the big British film companies like warp-x or the British film council that would distribute my media product, the reasons for this is simply that the product is British and can mainly circle round British audiences also with these kind of film companies budgets they most likely will keep it national, which will also most likely result in making the best gross profit of my media product, the way it is distributed.

Monday 12 March 2012

character profiles

the district 9 viral campain

in this trailer there are a lot of conventions i would like to cover in my own work, even more of the characterisation of the character hannible lector
Character profile
When I was producing the media production I wanted a character that was pure evil, someone who could kill insistent people and the audience would still love him. This was the task I as a director was faced with and was willing to accept. For this character in my production ‘the man’ (note that he has no name, to reflect on his secrecy) had to have characteristics of other characters that I have seen from other productions from the big six.
Firstly I was inspired by the insanity of the character Hannibal lector of the film silence of the lambs, this character is one that audience’s all over the world are still scared of even though it is an old production, and even though they are scared of him,  the audience still love him. Even I am unsure of this reason but my guess is that, we want the character to live on so that we able ourselves to be scared of him, we allow ourselves to be terrified of him.

Secondly I was inspired by two other characters which will explain the secrecy of my character, the thing I find with the genre of horror is that is you are unsure of a character (the unknown) then you are scared of it, but the audience love a secret and love that feeling of wanting to know who a person really is, for the inspiration part of it was the character joker in the film the dark knight, opening scene. The other character that is really secretive and that nobody knows his true identity is the character ‘Stig’ from a program on BBC I watch called top gear, audience’s all over the world tune in and watch top gear to know who this character is and he is never reviled to the audience, this is a very effected way of getting people to watch your media product so I had to use it.
Evaluation, question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

Firstly to attract and address my target audience, I must find out who my target audience are, looking at my media product I can see that it will attract a young audience because of the type of genre it is of horror. I take this to a age group of 15 to the age of 29 this is a large gap in the age difference of my audience therefor I would label them in the social category of D. reason for this is that I picture my audience having part time jobs while they are working at college. Reason for my assuming this, is that the film contains stereotypical factors that these audience members are attracted to, this shows that my media product is a success in how I address my target audience.

A way of attracting my audience is that I have found is viral advertising, for this I will be setting up posters and props from the production all over where my target audience will be found, at colleges and schools across the region. Things like knifes will be on the counters of shops inside school and colleges with the film’s title ‘Stab’ writing on the side of it. And posters of just a body (the killer in the film) and a question under the body asking if students have seen this man. And not forgetting the title are realise date of the product on the poster as well.

This idea of attracting my audience was inspired by the advertising campaign of District 9, this film also advertised in this way (viral). This is some of the viral advertising they did.
Evaluation, question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

New technologies have really helped push my media product to the level it should be reaching, these technologies such things as HD cameras and tools such as premier pro have helped my film keep on top with different ways to represent and show things in the product.

When I was constructing this media product, during the stage of collecting footage was really simple and easy, with the use of technologies, the HD cameras I used were really easy to control and capture the right footage that I as a director wanted.

Even though the soft wear of premier pro is fantastic and gets your product to how you picture it in your mind, there are a few faults with it. Things like uploading footage and exporting your clips are really hard to do, reasons for this is that it is really slow, I believe the reason for this is that it is on a big system in college and will take a while which is understandable, but in the constructing stage of your product it can take a while.