Thursday 15 December 2011

Evaluation, question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full production?

When I look back at my preliminary task I am in shock of how I did very little and poor work now that I have done my full production. I believe my whole film for my preliminary task was nothing but five different shots that were poorly timed and used of each other. However at the time of when I done this task I was pleased, but now I realise how much work goes into a full film production and I like too see how much my knowledge and understanding has grown in this short space of time.

When I started my preliminary task I was using five shots and the software ‘movie maker’ and was adding the most simple effects, this just shows that my knowledge was very little so was my understanding of the media. However coming through my first term I got to handle and take on software such as premier pro which was much more complex but then it all became simple and easy to use. Also what my lecture has taught me in reasons why films are created (not only for sheer entertainment) I have tried and stood by what she has taught me and brought it into my own work in my full production. 

I would like to record peoples reactions and views when watching both films, I will not be supportive in any way I will select a all random forms of people, to really compare and discover how much I have grown in understanding what makes a film and why it is done.  
Evaluation question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

In my media product I have looked at the particular social group of the criminally insane a small but eager social group that a lot of mainstream film companies look and reflect there view on. When I look at my product I can’t help but look at the character of my killer who I haven’t named, reason for this is so that the audience can reflect and judge this man with out even knowing his name. Also when looking at this character I cannot help by comparing my work to the production of, ‘silence of the lambs’ the character we know as ‘Hannibal the Cannibal’. Both of these character are represented in the same way however in two very different ways.

Firstly when we look at the character in my media production, note that we never see his face, reason for this is that this is the opening scene and I did not want to give away who the murder/ criminally insane person is, to build on the suspense of tension throughout the whole production, this way he is represented as kind of a mystery. On the other hand in the production of silence of the lambs, Hannibal the classic criminally insane character was seen, right away, this adds to his character and is more represented as being more insane, the way he for-trays the role of the character.

The two characters here are seen very differently, my character being more of a mystery and secretive the way the character is positioned throughout the production and also his costume (all black) connotation of dark mystery’s character. Also the fact that in this opening scene the character has no dialogue witch adds to the suspense of the mystery.

However the character Hannibal Lecter, does indeed talk a lot in his opening scene and to look at way more suffocated and well mannered towards other characters in the mise-en-scene this all adds to the contrasting effect of the audience questioning them self how is this man criminally insane?

But when we see how both these characters are represented, it is that these characters are not fit to be a member of our society. Yes the characters are seen in different ways but how they are represented are by having similar animalistic like being lock in a cage (Hannibal) or just trailing into some other persons house (my character). It is this way that both characters are represented in both films, not being able to cope in our society. The social group of the criminally insane is represented in my film as not fit to live in our society, even though both films are from different places and time periods, they both represent and construct this message to the viewer. That this group of people are not stable for our world.
Evaluation, question 4

4. Who would be the target audience for your media product?

My media product would cover a very wide range of audience, however if I am to look very closely at my main viewers of my film, I would have go say, in the social grid my product would be looking at a grade C1 to a class of D. the reason for this is these classes are where we are most likely to come across teenagers that are between the ages of 14 to 21, however this is only my main target audience, I could also interpret that lower social class adults (grade D and lower) would also watch this film.

The reason my main target audience are teenagers is that within the mise-en-scene are these characters that the audience can relate to, for they are stereotypical and make the audience already know how they feel due to characters facial expressions.

Because of the films very dark side/horror to it my target audience are the kind of teenagers that love to scare them selves and enjoy the thrill of watching characters they can relate to, going through tasks that they would never dream of. Due to the dark humour in the opening, my target audience are also the type of teenagers that enjoy dark stuff; things like rock music and spend there time going to rock concerts for as the do with film enjoy the dark thrill. As I look deeper into my target audience I look at things like there diet, where they might eat, this is for purposes like advertising (seeing my film posters at there favour places to eat), I assume that with these conventions in mind, that there eating habits would be bad, things like fast foods, pizzas ect.  

The reason why these kind of people, my target audience, would by this media product, is mainly the fact that it deals with a issue that these people most likely go to bed and think about, these people I assume fantasise about catching a killer and saving the day, most of all being a hero, not only my target audience but everyone wants to be a hero. This is why they would go out there and see/buy my media product, so they can take it away and learn of what they think being a hero to defeat darkness is all about.

To back up my point I will be having interviews/ getting feedback with some of my target audience during the week and seeing what they thought of my media product.