Sunday 1 April 2012

Evaluation, question 1

Evaluation, question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media productions?

My media product/ film can be both conventional and non- conventional with regards to real media products in different stylised ways, when we look at a British horror what conventions comes to mind when we approach the cinematography is very fast paced hand-held shots, this is one of the main cinematography (the hand held camerawork is typical of lower budget British films) conventions we see in many British films, such as Dead Man’s Shoes by Shane Meadows in 2004 contains a lot of hand-held shots it’s what defines them as being British films, however my production did not contain these characteristics of a British, the motion of the film was all stylised as a Hollywood production through the cinematography which shows my media product did not have aspects of being a British film through the cinematography which is a main convention. Even though it is set out very smoothly inside the house and for most of the production, when we are outside and at the beginning of the production (as we see the car come down the street) of the establishing shot, it is very well hand-held which can be seen as having a convention of British media products.

However even though my media product was structured different to a British film, it still was a British film. This was done with mainly the mise en scene of the production, all the conventions of a typical north England house was captured with the setting of my own home, this does show that my film is constructed through mise en scene as a British film, not only by setting it in England but how the British film have a very low budget and use real places to set their films unlike Hollywood main stream films that have huge budgets and huge sets for their big films. This is a point in my favour, because this is what I set out for my film/ product to have mostly British conventions of real British products not Hollywood.

When we look at the mise en scene in more detail, at the characters we see them in to different conventional ways, they both have aspects of being very stereotypical characters which would be the conventional side of one of the big six media company’s and can also be seen as not stereotypical at all, as in characters that the big six would not be familiar with because British films such as Dead Man’s Shoes tends to deal with characters that are more down to earth and that audiences cannot relate to. 

To conclude the biggest way my media product is non-conventional, is the way the character of my killer acts; in this day and age we believe that there are easier ways to kill a person and reasons why (motive) for example in the British production film of ‘dead man’s shoes’ this film contained weapons of guns and the character who was a killer had a motive in the narrative. This production was made in 2004, and even though my production was made almost 8 years after Dead Man’s Shoes, the killer choses a much more painful and older way of killing another. Even though I know this is not conventional, I see it as being unique, a unique characteristic of the killer and is explored with my audience. This gives the character his place in the media’s fame.